First batches of Polystruder GR PROs are shipped!
Hi all, Exciting news is on the horizon as we gear up to ship the first batch of our plastic shredder machine, the Polystruder GR PRO. At Polystruder, we’ve been dedicated to creating innovative solutions for a greener, more sustainable world. Our team has been hard at work, combining cutting-edge technology with a passion for […]
Manufacturing update: First batches are getting ready for Polystruder GR PRO!
Hello everyone! I’m thrilled to share an exciting update with you regarding our Polystruder GR PRO plastic shredder. We’re currently in the midst of manufacturing our inaugural small batch of orders, marking a significant milestone. This batch serves as both a test run to address any assembly and ordering process issues and a crucial step […]
Plastic Recycling for 3D Printing: What You Need to Know?
Recycled plastic is a valuable material in 3D printing, and it’s important to understand the different types of plastic and their associated recycling symbols. When it comes to 3D printing with recycled plastic, it’s crucial to ensure that the plastic is properly sorted and processed to ensure the best results. Whether you’re a beginner or […]
Plastic Recycling and 3D Printing: An Introduction for Beginners
Plastic is everywhere in our daily lives, from the packaging of the products we use to the toys we play with. However, the abundance of plastic has led to a serious issue: plastic waste. Plastic takes hundreds of years to break down and can cause harm to the environment and wildlife. That’s why plastic recycling […]