It is a very tricky question. Since there are literally thousands of plastic types and different combinations of extrusion screw and nozzle setup that can be used on extruder. As an example, even different brands of PLA is not behave the same under similar extrusion settings. For example, our tests with Total Corbion LX175 PLA gives us -+0.05mm tolerances with standard compression screw and extended nozzle with mesh filter while using without mesh filter yields -+0.10mm. It is basically up to the user to find the optimum settings with different screw and nozzle configurations to achieve a good filament tolerance which is usually within -+0.05mm for 1.75mm filament. Moreover there is a possibility certain brand and type of materials may not be extruded within printable tolerances with our system.
Polystruder is designed to extrude industry standard 1.75mm filament diameter. However with some minor hardware modifications to the hardware it is possible to extrude larger diameters as well by widening the nozzle hole. However keep in mind that it is usually trickier to extrude thicker filaments within optimum printable tolerances.
Yes we do. But it will be very unrealistic for us to try every different material out there since there are thounsands of different polymers are available today on market. One possible solution is the some sort of online database platform that is updated by users all around the world to share good extrusion results and settings with everyone to try out.
This is our ultimate goal and we are working on a special add-on unit to make it possible in future.
We launched our Polystruder GR PRO plastic shredder. You can order it from here:
There is a limitation what can be mixed and extruded through the polystruder. For example PETG should not be mixed any other materials like PLA since PLA and PETG do not stick together. It can also disturb the extrusion process and yields low quality and out of tolerance filament. So it is really important to keep different types of plastic in separate bins. However it is usually safe to mix different colors of the same material type to create rainbow filament.
Our current model does not support abrasive additives to be extruded with polystruder. However we are working on a model that has a hardened extrusion barrel, screw and nozzle to make that possible.
Currently PRO series allows between 0.05mm to 0.10mm extrusion tolerances depending on material, speed and machine configuration. But we are working on a special add-on that will allows for super tight tolerances in future!
Yes. SR PRO includes built-in filament puller for real time filament diameter control. Instead of using a expensive and hard to find soft polyurethane wheels, we opted to use industry standard Bondtech gears to save from overall cost and easy to source from almost anywhere.
Realistically, no! There are possibly some specific brands and material types that cannot be extruded with Polystruder. But we know that it can extrude PLA, ABS and PETG so far without much effort although tolerances can vary between 0.05 to 0.1mm. In time we will extend our testing with other types of materials as well. The good thing is extrusion screw can be replaced with a different type that might be suitable for wide range of plastic types.
Yes it is! Once the first deliveries started we will slowly release hardware design files alongside with the 3D printable files to the public. Although there will be limitations on what can be do with those files.
Although we really like to open source everything in our hands during launch, we will keep the software portion under the wraps for now. Since developing a good software and firmware takes a lot of time under such a competitive industry, we really hope you understand our decision on that matter. But our decision might change in future so who knows!
Currently there are no CAD/BOM or any other design files published. Our original plan is to sharing them for download afterwards we start shipping the first machines to the customers sometime next summer.
Although we love to see other commercial projects derived from our machines, for now we have to put a limitation what can be done with our open source license. There is a thousands of hours of work behind our ecosystem and we have to protect our startup and employees as well. So giving it away for free under commercialization is out of option. However users are free to make and use their own modifications based on polystruder under some conditions. We will publish more details on this matter at a later date.
Yes. Our extruder can be used with any other spooler and cooler machine.
Also yes. Our spooler and cooler can be used with any other extruder machine as well.
For now CR PRO is only controllable through SR PRO spooler exclusively. The reason behind is to keep the costs reasonably low while offering the best user experience. But if there is enough demand we might consider to offer a control unit separately for standalone usage as well.
You will need a stable and flat table with 3 feet by 6 feet at least (100cm by 200cm) to operate the machine comfortably.
No! Please do not try to extrude PVC or similarly toxic materials, not only with our extruder but on any extrusion system as well. Some materials are highly toxic when heated that will cause serious health issues on all living beings. We recommend reading the MSDS document (Material Safety Data Sheet) before processing it with our machines that can be obtained from plastic material providers or filament manufacturers websites.
Sadly it is a bit expensive than we initially expected. However it is currently in our future roadmap to build a smaller and way more affordable version as well mostly suitable for hobbyist usage. However it is still too early to share any more details.
For now we offer assembled versions only.
We got that question a lot! Currently we are still determining for final sale prices on our machines. Although we do not have a definite answer for now, the estimate for full system including shredder machine is around $4500 USD depending on machine configuration, add-ons and bundle. We will share more details once our pre-order date approaches.
Yes, crowdfunding date will be announced in future with special discounted sales price.
Yes. During our crowdfunding campaign we will offer options with discounted prices.
Yes as well!
Yes. Although there are some countries excluded.
We will do our best to avoid any customs fee charges. But there might be some situations where it cannot be avoided and must be handled by customer. Please plan accordingly during ordering to check with your local laws and regulations about customs fees and taxes.
Shipping will be calculated separately depending on destination. We will do our best to find the reliable and cost effective shipping partners worldwide.
Right now we do not offer free shipping.
Plastic Shredder
Filament Maker
Filament Cooler
Filament Spooler
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- Polystruder.
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